PPC Facts and Why They Matter [Infographic]

October 9, 2019

PPC ads trend

Is your business generating enough revenue? Do you feel that you need to market it better? Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads are what you need! PPC is probably the best way to make your name known and become relevant in the field of service you are in. The competition is high these days, and to swim with the sharks, one needs to adapt and employ the most successful marketing tactics.

For those of you who are not aware, PPC is a digital advertising model where advertisers are charged a specific amount of money each time the displayed ad is clicked. The ads are more than beneficial for raising the popularity of the company, brand, or service being marketed. It is probably one of the biggest marketing trends that all entrepreneurs need to be aware of.

At this point, PPC is more than two decades old. The first established case of PPC advertising was documented back in 1996. It was conceived as a research project at Stanford University and delivered by Planet Oasis and Google. 

The very next year, more than 400 major brands started using it. The benefits of this type of marketing have skyrocketed over the years, which resulted in Google surpassing the $50 billion revenue mark with 95% of it being generated by marketing in 2012. That fact alone is enough to help you see how beneficial PPC really is.

But the fun does not end there. Essentially, there are plenty of more relevant benefits that PPC can do for your brand. Growing your business is just the start! You can boost brand awareness, expand reach, and increase the volume of visitors to your site. All of that eventually results in generating more revenue. 

The recent PPC stats do not lie and show a clear picture of how successful businesses are when using this marketing channel properly.

So is this a passing fad or will it continue to be relevant?

The chances are that it may never stop to be important for business marketing. In this modern digital age, everyone is looking for an advantage to gain an inch over competitors. So why not use that advantage to the fullest when it is presented to you? Start thinking about PPC advertising now, and learn more about it as fast as possible. 

Here are 89 PPC statistical results and facts that help you to understand the importance of PPC in online marketing strategy.

The Graphic Resource: serpwatch.io.

PPC Stats and Marketing Trend for 2019

Josh Wardini


Josh Wardini. Founder of SERPwatch.io. Josh started building his experience in all things Internet since the beginning of 2000. A novice but aspiring developer, he lives and breathes SEO and loves to explore how the World Wide Web works.

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