The Next Generation of Education Online
Engaging in providing the greatest distance learning experience, Academy of Royal International Education is an Ontario’s designated e-Learning provider, offering high school education and supports for students to enter colleges and universities.
The school’s consolidation involved combing website, e-learning system, online sales, curriculum creation, and marketing into one platform. This project required both parties to work creatively and closely together in order to achieve the unified goals from purchasing courses, registering and managing student accounts to learning courses interactively online, taking quiz and exams, and managing curriculums, students and groups.
The website designed perfectly delivers all the functions and features needed. In addition, we involved in video production and developing the strategies focusing on creating a user-friendly platform and a vivid, interactive online learning environment combined with various formats of courses, which provides students an unique leaning experience online and makes the school standout of the competitions. We are now on the long-term partnership with the school on various projects.