3 Factors That The Best E-Learning Websites Have In Common

November 10, 2021

3 factors for best elearning websites

No matter how old we grow up, the process of learning never stops. From the cradle to the grave, we are obtaining knowledge at every turn.

But, if you want a degree or certification, you need to get a proper education.

Yes, you already knew that.

The problem that you are facing is that you are stuck at home because of the coronavirus.

Well, it is a good thing we have e-learning websites to make sure you are productive.

Let knowledge soak in as you explore various courses from top universities online and enroll at your convenience. You can receive certifications from Harvard, Yale, University of Birmingham, and many more without even leaving the sanctity of your home.

Even better, you can do any course you like, from calculus to a programming language. Maybe even enroll in international law? Or, you could take psychology if you want to understand the human mind better. You might even pursue an entire degree online instead of a course only. There are endless possibilities at your fingertips!

Could learning get any better?

learning online lady

However, you should keep in mind that not all e-learning websites are worthy of securing your future.

Thus, be sure that you can tell apart a good e-learning website from a bogus one.

How can you do that?

It’s all a matter of quality.

Discussed below in detail are factors that the best e-learning websites share. Make sure that the one you are trusting to impart knowledge to you is not only held in high regard but has the following 3 factors too.

Do not settle for less. After all, you deserve the best!

Common 3 Factors Amongst The Top E-Learning Websites

As aforementioned, there are numerous online learning platforms for you. Technology has made education more accessible. But, only some have elements that make them better than the rest.

Though this might not seem like a critical issue, it has significant impacts in the long term.

Most importantly, it could become a decisive factor between quality education and successful training or a resounding failure.

Take a good look at what can make or break your professional and personal life.

1. Quick User Integration

A platform that is smooth and quick when it comes to user integration can have a positive impact on the student’s learning process. From signing up on to the website to exploring courses and enrolment, every single step should be completed with ease. The process of payment, especially, should be smooth and straightforward.

Trust me, and you will forget that a particular website has exceptional and distinct content if the user experience is only mediocre. You might even pack up your bags and head over to another site. Thus, if you want everything to go as smoothly as possible, the online learning platform should have seamless user integration.

Various tech designers are coming up with innovative solutions for a hassle-free and smooth user experience. One example of this is the WordPress LMS theme that is often adapted for the purpose of e-learning.

There are also those platforms that make it their mission to make your experience comfortable. They offer you Single Sign-On or SSO. No need to search for it, I’ll explain what it is.

SSO allows users to sign on to their online learning website through their already existing accounts on social media platforms.

You may have seen ‘Sign in with Google account’ written on Coursera.

That option makes the process of signing in very simple. Websites that have the SSO feature are readily gaining popularity.

You seem a little worried. Well, you might be afraid that the data and information from your other accounts could be at risk.

It is time to turn that frown upside down.

Part of a smooth and hassle-free user integration is that they ensure your data is protected legally, and ethically. So, no need to waste your time worrying about it.

2. Interaction

Studies have been conducted on multiple aspects of e-learning now and then. Research has also been conducted on interaction with online learning platforms. The result formulated has said that interaction in courses leads to a rise in brain activity. Thus, you become smarter and more interested in a subject.

You may still remember a Hannah Montana episode if you watched. The female protagonist has to learn the bones in a body but has trouble memorizing them because of the teacher’s boring educational style. Thus, she weaves all the information into a song and can ace a test.

We learned from the show that the more engaging a course is, the easier it will be to soak in the information. This is the reason you are urged to ask as many relevant questions as possible. Delve into the logic and sciences until you know the subject matter like the back of your hand. Therefore, the best e-learning websites encourage interaction from the very beginning.

Sometimes, they also use gamification techniques. Do not be afraid. The word ‘gamification’ sounds like a complicated surgical operation, but it is not like that at all!

game based learning market

In the process of gamification, online learning platforms use videogames and ask for direct participation from you. This is done to enhance engagement in a fun and impactful way. Interactive activities not only make you understand information with ease, instead motivate you to learn as well.

This article is a perfect example of productive interaction. You have stuck with me until here and, hopefully, will not abandon me right now. Perhaps, I have also helped you add to your knowledge bank too.

3. Exciting Courses

You may have heard the phrase ‘if you love a subject, it automatically becomes interesting.’ I am here to tell you that, in my experience, it is not valid. It may be true in some cases, but, in others, it is only an excuse for a bad grade.

For example, I harbor a love for Mathematics. However, the topic of functions makes me boil with anger and frustration. I have noticed that any course can appeal to you if the instructor and subject matter is interesting enough.

Moreover, the human factor is critical when it comes to online learning. It does not matter whether a teacher does it through storytelling, narration, or gamification. Whichever website possesses this 3 factor, is the one to choose.

They will elevate your knowledge bank and stand out from others.

If you want to be someone who is remembered for being unique, pick a website that makes your learning experience as distinct as possible.  

online learning courses      

Final Word

E-learning is becoming a readily opted strategy for various skills and degrees. Witnessing the demand for such platforms, websites are popping up all over the place. They offer to cater to your academic needs and help you shine in your career.

Do not be fooled by the bling.

Remember, all that glitters is not gold.

Choose a website that is worthy of being your educational partner for the months or years to come. Make a list of the top online learning platforms and vet each of them until you are fully satisfied.

It is your future we are talking about after all.

Make sure to choose wisely.

Yonge Chen


Web Developer/Digital Marketer

As a Web Developer,  I plan, create and code web pages, applying both non-technical and technical skills to produce web applications that meet the customer's requirements.

As a digital marketing specialist, I am well versed in SEO, SEM, inbound marketing, content, social media, and heavily get involved with all sides of online marketing to help clients generate opportunities, drive sales, and build brand.

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