5 Unique Methods to Get Backlinks for Your Website

December 21, 2019

backlink building methods

There is no denying that top quality backlinks go a long way to skyrocket the SEO rankings of your website. Building backlinks is not achievable overnight because this process requires a lot of patience and dedication on your part.

In this article, we will discuss about five unique and highly effectual methods to get backlinks for your website.

The 5 Methods to Create Backlinks for Your Website

1. Create Shareable Content

It is the core of content marketing focusing on constantly producing and distributing high quality, relevant, and useful content to get attentions of your audiences, generate more leads, drive more traffic, and ultimately to increase sales.

Creating valuable and sharable content for your webs also hikes up the chances of your website getting linked to various platforms and web pages. Be it a blog post, ebook, infographic, research article, or any other shared content, it can be easily passed around with a CTA (Call To Action) urging the content viewers to share the content material as they see fit. You can start sharing your content by using hashtags and on social media channels to connect with individuals within your niche.

share contents

Pinterest is another ideal platform to earn backlinks. Ensure that all your blogs, articles, and other content are linked with your Pinterest board. If someone is impressed with your work, there is a strong likelihood that the person will create a backlink when putting up the content in one of their blog posts.

2. Do More Guest-Posting

Guest Posting is a very potent strategy to reach out to new audiences. Usually, link building techniques for new websites require a lot of time and effort to deliver reliable results. However, this is not the case with guest-posting.

Guest posting is publishing your articles and blogs on other well-liked websites. Most blogs and sites post a brief biography of the writer at the start or end of each post that allows space for backlinks. Not only are you able to generate top quality backlinks, but you can also draw attention towards your industry expertise as well when you write guest posts. This provides a significant boost to your social media followers and your online reputation.

That being said, you mustn't start right at the top of the food chain if you are a fresh and new website. It is in your best interest to begin with a few and less popular websites, as these tend to respond more to pitches. You then need to amaze them with your post and advertise that particular post, as well. Once you have provided proof of your exemplary writing skills and established yourself as a competent blogger, only then you should start pitching to more popular websites such as Forbes or Copyblogger.

3. Get in Touch with Prominent Bloggers and Journalists

Reaching out to bloggers, influencers, and journalists from your niche is a very effective strategy to spread the word far and wide about your business and get backlinks for your website. This is generally done via email correspondence. You can use tools like Email Finder and Voilanorbert to get the email addresses of the individuals you are trying to get in touch with. All you need is the name of the said person and the website he/she works for.

You can also convey your message via social media channels or LinkedIn. Be sure to keep your pitch concise as people tend to ignore lengthy messages, especially from folks they do not know.

4. Become a Source for Other Bloggers, Publishers, and Reporters

You will earn a backlink every time someone quotes you. Apart from generating quality backlinks, you will also enhance your brand awareness when you become a trusted source for other journalists and bloggers.

To begin with, you should subscribe to HARO. HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is free to use service that connects journalists and bloggers who are seeking contributors to reliable sources who need backlinks and exposure.

Resource for bloggers

How this works is that HARO will drop you an email daily with different queries from writers in your niche. You can choose the ones that strike a chord with your business and respond through email with your credentials.

You have to be quick with your responses as most of the writers receive several submissions. The likelihood of your submission getting selected increases if you are among the first individuals to respond. If selected, the journalist will notify you when your article goes live and will list your credentials in the “Contributors” section. Congratulations! You have just earned yourself a backlink!

5. Get Interviewed and Conduct Interviews

Online interviews have become the rage these days and are an effortless way to bump up the number of backlinks to your website. You will receive numerous interview invitations once you have established yourself in your particular niche. However, it will take some time to get to that point if you are a new website. As a first step, you can search for websites that are conducting interviews and let them know that you are eager to participate. You should also be prepared to tell them how the interview session would benefit from your knowledge.

Alternately, you can also build backlinks by interviewing prominent bloggers in your niche. There is a strong chance that they will agree to the interview if you make use of your persuasive skills and tell them that you are very interested in interviewing them.

Most of these experts and bloggers have their websites. After the interview is over, you can ask them to link the interview to their website and share it with their readers. You can also request them to post the interview on any of their social media channels. This will help you to get backlinks for your website.

Bottom Line

Getting high-value backlinks poses quite a challenge sometimes, especially when you have a new website and no audience. However, if you utilize the right methods and resources, it is very much doable to generate quality backlinks for your website.

Bear in mind that the quality of your website content plays an instrumental role in building a professional relationship with other website owners and bloggers. These individuals will backlink to your site if they can resonate with your web content. It always pays to cultivate such relationships so that you can generate the kinds of backlinks that will boost your website’s SEO rankings.

Li Du


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