7 Tips for Your Facebook Business Page

August 7, 2014

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Facebook is one of the largest online social networking sites that allow people to interact, share photos and make friends. In addition to its social purposes, Facebook has been used for business networking by online marketers.

However, many people using Facebook for business purpose still don’t know how to use it correctly. They rush themselves into it at the costs that could be avoided if they know about the things below.

1. Create Striking Cover Image

Got a Facebook Page for your business? Then create an eye-catching cover image that looks professional, makes a great first impression, and markets your brand and creates more business opportunities.

However, please make sure that you shouldn’t violate the Facebook Pages Rules when creating your cover image.

Cover image should be inspirational and shouldn’t be used for promotion purpose. For example, you shouldn’t use “40% Discount” or calls to action buttons like “Sign Up now!”

2. Don’t share ‘everything’

When you use social media networking like Facebook, you are exposed yourself to the public. You would like to share when you want to share.

However, don’t expose yourself so much on Facebook. Don’t allow everyone to see your status and any other information that are easier for someone who may betray you and use these information for locating your bank accounts. In fact, with a few little adjustments at your privacy settings on Facebook, your social media experience can still be social but more controlled.

3. Don’t send random friend requests

Sometimes it is irritating when people receive friend requests from random people that they do not know. Even it is not useful for your business if you send requests to someone who is not your potential customers. Do not send such requests to the people you do not know. Such friend requests are sometimes regarded as spam or unwarranted friend requests.

4. Use Facebook Paid Ads

Approximately 1.5 million businesses of all size use Facebook paid ads to promote their business. Facebook paid ads has become one of the most cost-effective methods to put your online content in front of your targeted audience. It can increase your readership, generate leads and enhance brand awareness.

The number of users who will see your ad on Facebook is largely based on your targeted audience and your ad budget.

5. Let more people to see your page updates

Please note that even if someone likes your business page, it doesn’t mean that they can see all your updated posts. This is because of Facebook control of the amount of content that your audience can see in their newsfeed. If you want more people to see your posts, you should interact properly by sharing or commenting on other people’s posts and involving in what goes on in your circles. You can also pay to promote your contents.

6. Protect your privacy

Don’t allow everyone to see your profile information. Some bad people out there may use your personal details to locate your bank account. It is not recommended to reveal your complete date of birth on your profile. You can change your information in your profile setting.

7. Interact with others

Facebook is a social platform. If you concentrate only on your own contents, why would others like to connect with you? So you should interact with others properly. For example, you can share by dumping a link or you can add your comments on other’s posts.

Li Du


Building and running First Site Solutions make my dream come true! Over the years of pursuing my dream, I saw the amazing opportunities in online business world, acquired valuable experience and a great wealth of skills and knowledge on building, growing and developing a business online.

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