9 Digital Marketing Trends Which Businesses Are Forced To Know

November 25, 2019

Digital marketing trends featured

Digital marketing is a constantly changing field. If you catch and anticipate new trends, you will probably be at your competitors. But keeping up with the trend of this volatile field seems to be an impossible task. So, what is the balance between being busy following the trend and the other being stuck in place and then being left behind? Fortunately, that balance exists. If you can identify current trends, set appropriate strategies, and act on them, you are more likely to succeed.

Here are nine trends to keep in mind over the next few months or even the next few years in digital marketing.

1. Don't Rely Too Much On Google

There seems to be some confusion here ?? The truth is, not at all, because Google still holds its throne but after more than a decade of domination it may come down one day. Many search engines are far from being able to take over Google. But their rise is indicative of users already wanting alternatives so they don't have to rely too much on Google.

Marketers should keep this in mind because Google can be a big basket, but you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important, but now users can still search without Google. Digital marketers should shift their focus less on Google and focus more on ways to interact directly with users in their market segment.

2. The Rise Of Mobile Devices

Mobile Rise

According to Google 's prediction, the number of media campaigns running on mobile will increase by nearly 50% and account for 29 billion dollars in total revenue from Digital Marketing. By 2020, the mobile advertising market share will account for 72% of the total advertising market. This is extremely understandable since the mobile usage time of users is increasing. They use it anytime, anywhere, in all their activities.

The advertising spend forecast below shows the significant increase of mobile ads spending in 2019 comparing with that of 2016.

Ad spend share global 2

Mobile devices, along with user addiction, will be focusing on marketing in the coming years and it is also the trend of the crowd, and therefore, you should prioritize worthy of it.

3. Converting via Social Networks

I have heard too much about the power of social networking. But we haven't heard much about the importance of social conversion rates. For e-commerce and lead generation sites, social networks provide a great opportunity to increase conversion rates and create new conversion channels. Your personality is important in social media. Develop them by taking any personality development course.

4. New Payment Methods

With the invention of a credit card, it is expected to be put into widespread use, the public will receive new changes related to payment methods. These changes will have uninterrupted effects on e-commerce and online payment sites. Security issues will be the biggest concern, and digital marketers will have a reassuring role in educating customers during this transition period.

Payment options

5. Paid Advertising Is Still In Vogue

Like it or not, you will still need to pay for advertising. Many marketers think that pay-per-click advertising is dying, but other forms of paid advertising are taking its place. Organic paid advertising methods are joining the marketing strategies of some brands, signaling a new trend.

6. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is not new, but it is bigger than ever. If not long ago, organizations using marketing automation were only big companies with world-famous brands. Marketing Automation is now easy to use and affordable enough for any marketer with a tight budget to use.

7. Content Creators Become More Essential

Ever since the start of the Web 2.0 era, the content has been in vogue. Anyone can become a content publisher. Anyone with a voice can have a foothold in the Internet world.

Nowadays, many content experts think that there is too much content and it is causing viewers to overload. Is that true? Content has always been considered the "King", an integral part of digital marketing that is hard to say will be obsolete someday. So even if the existing site is becoming overloaded with users, it will always exist and play an important role. Therefore, there will always be a great demand for content creators such as copywriters, developers, video producers, etc. If you are interested to flourish in content marketing and lack confidence then take personal development courses.

8. The Algorithm Will Change

The search algorithm will always change. This will make you frustrated, confused, or disappointed. But there is no way other than you also need to regularly update and have a thorough preparation for yourself. Besides using and paying attention to Google, you also need to consider the search algorithm of Facebook, Bing, or even a combination algorithm of Twitter and Google.

9. Optimizing Conversion Rate (Conversion Rate Optimization)

Conversion rate optimization is the process of maximizing page followers converting into customers. By understanding user psychology and analyzing changes on the website, marketers can determine which elements of a website or landing page will generate the highest number of conversion customers.

This process is well worth the money. Instead of spending a lot of money on advertising and increasing traffic, the marketer can focus on converting the available traffic into more sales. If you are interested to develop your personality, then go to personality development classes.

The infographic below illustrates how digital marketing impacts on businesses and 7 ways to boost your sales through digital marketing.

The Graphic Resource: Zoe Talent Solutions

digital marketing infographic

Sandra Azura


I am Sandra Azura from zoetalentsolutions.com and I am working under the team content writer. The fact is that I create online courses related to Business Mangament. Our entire team is very passionate about Management Skills and we always strive to offer you professional, comprehensive info about any Business Management Skills. I encourage readers to share their ideas and tips too.

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