9 tips to build backlinks

July 24, 2014

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Search engines like Google add your website credit every time another website links to your website. These links are called backlinks, which is crucial to SEO success.

The question is how to get them?

Although building internal links, which are also very important, seems easier because everything is up to you to do and make decision, acquiring backlinks is not easy because you have to rely others to work for your success. Moreover, It would be more difficult to get the backlinks if you have just built your website.

The only thing you can do is that you will have to build those backlinks and drive relevant traffic to your website.

How do you do this?

Here are some tips you should follow to build quality backlinks to your website.

Look for high rank website

When you seek out links, you should find websites that already rank high on search engines. Sites that don’t rank high for the keywords that define their site will not give much ranking value on your website.


The easiest way to get a link on another website is to use email.

Make a list of webmasters in your niche, put their contact information such as website, name, email address in a spreadsheet. Then write a personalized form letter requesting a link to each person.

The response rate will be about 1 in 20. The more you personalize your email, the higher your response rate will be.

Guest post

One popular way to get quality backlinks is to write guest posts on prominent websites in your niche. This means that you write and publish article on someone else’s website.

The goal of a gust post is to create link to your website that is normally included in your accompanying bio.

Guest post can help grow your blog readership and bring new traffic to your site.

Create Google profiles

You can create anchor text, the text that includes the link, in your Google profiles. This anchor text helps Google find out what other sites think your site is about. The most interesting thing is that your profile link on Google Profiles will be devoid of a no-follow link, which is good for SEO!

Write in EzineArticles

Another good way to build quality backlinks is to write and public articles in article submission websites like EzineArticles.

The best way to get a backlink from EzineArticles is to write an article that is related to the keyword you will be using as your back link.

Write in Squidoo

Squidoo allows you to write and publish articles in return for rewards for them. The best way to get backlinks is to write a Squidoo lens relevant to your website content.

Post in niche forums

Forums are good places to get backlinks if you do it in right way. Posting on a niche forum can be very useful, because you can get your targeted audience who are into the same things that you are. The coolest thing is that you can use your signature line to add a link to your site.

Create page on social media sites

Creating a page on a social media site and listing your website on it is a wonderful way to get a valuable website to link to you. The good examples of social media websites are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, but they are not the only ones. You can choose from many social media site that offer you to build a free profile that you can place your link on it.

What backlinks you should avoid

Some types of links should be avoided at all cost when you create your backlinks. These links pass no TrustRank of Google and perform as spam that you can’t control.

  1. There are many programs that provide link exchange services. The risk for it is that your link exchange partners may be link farms. If this is the case, you website could be forbidden from search engines.
  2. Links from pages with very little content or low ranking in Google should be avoided. Apparently, links from these websites have little SEO value.
  3. Links with a no-follow tag have no SEO value also, because the websites linking to you with this no-follow link are withholding passing credit to your site.
Li Du


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