Best Tools to Display the Live Twitter Feed in Events

September 30, 2019

live twitter feed best tools

Events are one of the ways to keep in touch with your followers and communicate with them freely. It’s a social setting used by businesses to launch a new product, to aware public about the existing products or to spread the word about their upcoming products. Any event is termed successful when it reaches the desired number of audience and stirs them to act upon. To make this happen, the business can make use of live twitter feed in Events.

Twitter is one such social media platform that can make any content go viral. Being the most interactive and engaging social platform with no fake content, Twitter is best known for creating leads. By displaying your twitter live feed in Events over big-screen displays and signages, you can keep the attendees interested and get them engaged fully in the event. Integrating twitter feed in Events works in multiple ways I.e to say you can make use of twitter feed by using different strategies that could lead to a wide exposure of the company.

live twitter feed in events

Here are a few strategies you can adopt to integrate live Twitter feed in Events and the benefits associated with them.

  1. Create a unique hashtag. Now, ask the attendees to use the hashtag in their tweets. Give them a purpose to do so by asking them to share their experience, opinions and views on the event. This will create thousands or even millions of tweets on Twitter and who knows, it could become trending too.
  2. Share these live tweets or the Live Twitter feed in the events on big display screens to create your social presence and to let the users know you value their presence. This will benefit in creating brand loyalty.
  3. To amplify the engagement of the audience and to create a buzz in the event, organize the question and answer session, quizzes and discussions and ask attendees to post these moments on their twitter feed.
  4. To create a brand image, make use of live and real-time twitter feed as much as possible during the event to display it over big screens.
  5. Promotion before the event matters! Make your followers know about the event by posting announcements on your Twitter feed before the event to increase its exposure at a wider scale.

How can this be made possible? How can your live Twitter feed be aggregated and displayed on digital screens and signages? Who will do it for us? Would not that be too time-consuming? The answer to all these questions lies in the social media aggregator tools that make it possible to curate, aggregate and present the live feed on digital screens in no time. Some of the best tools that you can use to do so are:

#1 Taggbox

live twitter feeds taggbox

Taggbox is a Twitter aggregator tool that will not only aggregate the various live twitter feed from Twitter but will also customise it in a way to make it look appealing, meaningful and attractive. Taggbox makes it easy to modify the look of the feed through its various features. It also changes the theme, design, feed background, display and colours of the content that will make the onlookers look at it. It’s an impressively easy to use tool that presents only the relevant feed and restricts the access of the profane and competitors feed to show up. This process can be made automated too. It also lets you post the live feed on your website too at the same time. It is compatible with any screen type and size. It’s a suitable social aggregator tool preferred by developers and marketers too. It also provides instant feed update to make your Twitter feed not lose its essence.

#2 Walls.io

twitter live feed walls

Walls.io is another Twitter aggregation tool that will integrate all your relevant Twitter feed for you and moderate it thereafter to make it ready to display at the social wall of your event. It is an easy to use tool with advanced editing features and responsive design. It provides customisation CSS also that will let you design your social wall your way. It’s one of the best tools to display your live twitter feed on your event.

#3 Tintup

twitter live feeds Tintup

Tintup is another impressive social media aggregator tool that will gather, curate and aggregate the relevant live twitter feed for you and display it over large screens during events. Tintup will also let you post the live feed on your website, over other connected screens and over web advertisements at the same time. It will also let you customise your feed and moderate it before displaying it. It works on the real-time update of feed which makes it effective and suitable for big events.

User engagement, brand trust and brand loyalty are what makes the business to grow. Using user-generated content through social media aggregator tools are the best way to stay in the market and also keeps you closer to your users.

Carol Sobers


Carol is an enthusiastic content curator who loves to write anything and everything about social media and related domains. Follow her writeups here and do comment on what you feel about them.

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