How Microservices Architecture is Beneficial in Mobile App Development

June 4, 2020

Microservice architecture

Mobile phones have become an inseparable part of life. We cannot imagine our lives without smartphones. But the mobile phone is nothing without the apps. Almost everything is available online. To download the app online all you have to do is to install the app and click on the button and place an order.

Nowadays, building mobile apps is the latest trend for many companies. There are mobile application development companies who are developing apps every day. Until 2019, the number of mobile app downloads reaches 204 billion worldwide.

Millions of apps are available online and app stores. For Android users, there are 2.57 million apps available; and for iOS users, there are 1.84 million apps available. Each app has its specific use.

Nowadays, every business owner makes the business mobile-friendly for consumers. The app is a powerful marketing tool. It helps in the business and draws a great customer base for the long run.

It is true that the app gives significant leverage over the competitors. But adopting a mobile app is not enough in the competitive world.

For the better position in the market, you need to follow some master techniques that will help in the efficiency of your mobile app.

app development flow

Your app development teams need to quicken the delivery to customers, implement the right methods, adopting a new strategy and follow the microservices model that gives a significant business advantage. Microservices helps the teams to adapt to the development cycle. It improves the flexibility in mobile app development.

Before going ahead we need to understand what Microservices Architecture is.

Microservices Architecture is a special approach which is used in creating intricate software applications. The method follows the single responsibility principle to couple things that change for same reasons. It structures an application as a collection of small autonomous services that are loosely coupled and can be developed, tested, deployed and maintained independently. Each of services is self-contained but can communicate with other services by using APIs. In this method, a large complex application can be broken down into smaller independent services that are handled by small teams respectively and efficiently.

Microservice Architecture flow

Microservices has different marketing functions and it is better than monolithic architecture. The microservice can be easily extended and reused without compromising the integrity.  The features build as a result of user feedback thus reach the users in a quick manner.

Monolithic vs microservice architecture

Monolithic vs. Microservice ArchitectureSource: dzone.com

Here in this article, we are going to review how microservices architecture is beneficial in mobile app development.

Table of Content

Advantages of Microservices Architecture in Mobile App Development

Better Productivity

Microservices architecture can be easily created, developed, tested and used. Each factor is done separately from other components of the system. This will quicken the service and improve the iteration process which results in a better agile team. The developers can change the language as well as the framework according to the required functionality of the app.

This way the productivity can be increased dramatically and you can decrease the amount of code to be written. With the help of microservice architecture, you can easily step up the maintainability of the mobile app. It will structure the complex applications into flexible services which helps in making the better performance of the development team. The app developers can start their work without waiting for others as each team works individually. They can work on different modules simultaneously and guides in improving productivity.

Improved Scalability

It’s very important to develop the scalable app. Microservice components work individually and take place simultaneously as well as independently at the runtime. This architecture  gives the better utilization of resources. The workload can be easily reduced and be relocated to support the best-suited task.

It accelerates the development speed united with on-demand scalability. This provides the cloud-native environment and it is a cost-effective way with better utilization of resources. Microservices helps in making the services more responsive with better marketing.

The microservice methodology helps to give robust digital capabilities. The development team can easily choose the stack with specific services and different programming languages. The component can be easily added and this helps in making the performance scalable. With innovative ways, you can improve the performance of mobile application development.

Antifragile System

The components work independently and play an indispensable role for an app. The components loosely join and run the resources freely without affecting any other component.

The microservices improve the working of the entire app. If there are any disabled services then those non-working services would not affect the performance of the system. The app runs efficiently every time.

Taking an example, suppose if there is a problem in the component then the other operations will not stop working. This helps you to identify and quickly resolve the issue by expeditiously fixing the malfunctioning on the database.

Better Productivity

With the microservice architecture, the components in a mobile app are very easy to understand and independently upgradeable and replaceable in developing the app. The smallest piece of functionality can be solved without doing much effort.

It would be very feasible to find the team with different skills for a company based on their different skill sets. This reduces the burden of the team in understanding the components.

Endless Arrangements

The introduction of microservices helps the cross-functional teams to handle all the applications with a better performance model.

In the development team, there are different members included like developers, testers, operators, testing or debugging team and few more. All the team  members work simultaneously and differently and make the changes on their own resources without having any hassle.

The development runs the continuous cycle where code is carefully coded, tested and executed with appropriate feedback.

More Resilient

In this architecture, you can make the change in the existing apps using the architectures even you can start the new project using same techniques. In the mobile app, you need the numerous features and services with more database storage. Microservices provide the most scalable services for all.

In the microservice architecture, each component is completely isolated. The overall structure shows strong flexibility in doing the changes. This means if one component is working then you have the opportunity to see another without any downtime. You don't need to change the entire app or dysfunction the other components.

Cross-functional Teams

The software development can be tough when you start working with a large number of the team. In the working of microservice architecture the extensive teams can improve the performance by working independently. Members can work freely and help in decision making of other members in any problem.

With the cross-functional team, the microservices architecture empowering the individuals in decision making and solving any problem by providing the independence in the groups.

Wrapping Up

Above, we have analyzed the benefits of the microservice architecture in your mobile app development.

So microservices save your time and money. Always check the significant factors that are needed for your app.

Hopefully, this article gives you the best knowledge about various merits of microservice architecture in developing an app.

Your suggestions and queries are welcome. So, feel free to ask in the comment section.

Thank you for reading!!

Morris Edwards


Morris Edwards is a Manager at Awebstar, a web design & development company in Singapore which is dealing with mobile app development, SEO, social media marketing, PPC and more. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, and Awebstar.com.sg.

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