What Is The Impact Of Cloud Computing On Businesses?

July 31, 2019

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In the modern-day world, businesses need to make technology an integral part of their business because those days are long gone when businesses used to thrive on the pen and paper. We are currently living in a technology-driven era which is evolving at a very fast pace and the modern-day business solutions have now become completely dependent on technology. But this change has allowed businesses to be more accurate, effective, efficient and quick. Although there are many technological innovations which have helped businesses to streamline their operation, one technological marvel which has revolutionalized each and every industry is cloud computing.

Debunking the myths of cloud accounting

As you may know that by 2020, 83% of the enterprise workload will move to the Cloud. The bunch of benefits offered by the amazing cloud computing technology has acted as a magic wand for most of the business and that’s why the various implementations of cloud computing are now being used extensively by businesses of all sizes and industry. Every department of a business is now using the cloud computing technology and thriving on its advantages. In this article, we will be looking at how cloud computing has affected businesses and helped them to streamline their various business operations.

Ability To Be Always Available

cloud computing for small businesses

Before the introduction of cloud computing technology, businesses were able to work only during the office hours since all the data and the business solutions were limited to office desktop. Along with this, outsourcing was a complex thing for most of the small and medium-sized business because even remote employees were also restricted to the office hours of business. But the introduction of cloud enhanced the availability of the businesses and allowed them to step ahead in the tough race of competition.

In the cloud computing solution, everything is stored on the cloud platform, from software to data and that’s how it becomes accessible for businesses from anywhere and at any time. So, it doesn’t matter whether an employee is on the go, relaxing on a beach or sitting at home, he will have all the business solutions and the data on his fingertips because of the cloud computing technology.

Cloud computing allows remote employees to work flexibly and enables businesses to manage such kind of employees more effectively and efficiently, as real-time update on the cloud makes monitoring easy and secure.

Ability To Scale

Cloud computing also helped businesses to scale effectively and efficiently. It is because of cloud computing that business can now scale their infrastructure and capabilities as per their growth. Now, they don’t need to forecast future server needs or buy extra storage space in order to tune their infrastructure according to the increasing business needs. All they have to do is to just modify the subscription package with the cloud hosting providers. Such an ease in the scalability improved the overall operational effectiveness. It acted as a magic wand for small businesses because they have maximum scope of growth and scalability that acts as a competitive advantage for them.

Cloud technology of scalability

The amazing cloud computing solution isn’t only limited to scaling up as it also allows businesses to scale down. This makes sure that effective utilization of resources is being practiced smoothly by businesses while opening multiple doors of golden opportunity for both small and giant firms.

One of the best examples of scalability in the cloud solution is QuickBooks hosting. This cloud accounting solution is an economical way of streamlining accounting solution and the QuickBooks cloud hosting providers offer scalability to the users so that they can adjust their cloud solution as per changing needs of the business.  

Improved Customer Support

Cloud Computing Tips

Cloud computing has also improved the customer support system as it allows employees to access customer information from anywhere and at anytime. With the help of cloud computing solution, employees can connect with customers through laptop, mobile, tablets and this has helped employees to serve the customers in a better way.

There are many companies in the current era that are now leveraging on self-service portal. This allows quicker and much more effective solutions to be developed for resolving customers’ problems. Both cloud computing and automation have streamlined the customer service desk by reducing response time and improving the overall customer experience.


Cloud computing is one of the most revolutionary technologies introduced in the modern day world which has allowed businesses to level up their operation. Although he cloud computing is not a very new technology, it still took several years to become a new normal for both small and giant firms. The movement towards cloud computing solutions is increasing, and according to experts forecasting, about 90% of the enterprise workload will shift to cloud in the near future. There is no denial in the fact that cloud computing still needs improvements in many fields but looking at the current rate of technological evolution, that day is not far when we will witness a perfect form and use of cloud in every field.

Kashyapi Prajapati


Kashyapi Prajapati has been involved in the world of accounting software, SEO and cloud computing from a very long time and currently, she is working as a content writer with Cloudwalks, a QuickBooks hosting company. Cloud computing and SEO is what she eats and drinks.

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