How To Generate Leads Through Content Marketing?

July 30, 2020

Content marketing for leads 

Do you know why many marketers and business owners are forced to shut down?

It is because they are unaware of how to increase their client base and generate enough leads.

They completely ignore online sales funnel. If you do not know what it is, take a look at the picture below.

sales funnel

They fail in getting their potential customers past the awareness stage at all!

Content marketing challenges

Let me tell you, as a person who loves to shop, and it is not enough to tell me to buy from you. You can send me endless text messages, but I will not help you make a sale unless there is something in it for me.

That, my friend, is the dirty and bitter truth of human psychology.

You give, and then you get.

Therefore, to make a sale, a business should offer informative and valuable content. Then only will they be able to attract leads? Next, you slowly ease them into filling out your email form. Once they become subscribers, you avail of the opportunity to offer them your services.

Remove barriers and let them in! It is a two-way relationship, after all.

Don’t worry, and it’s not that hard.

Read below to find out how you can generate leads through content marketing.

1. Use Facebook Ads for Lead Magnets

Facebook is brilliant. Do you know why?

It’s because they use advanced technology to target qualified leads with ease.

They have an ocean of data at their disposal. It helps them predict fashion and consumer taste trends.

They are privy to your hobbies, personal information, and preferences.

You can use this to your advantage.

Take help from Facebook Insights and run ad campaigns.

But, there is a catch.

Facebook will make sure to target potential clients. They will get the word out to people who are in search of your business’s services or content.

However, they will use passive advertising. They make the advertisements look as natural as possible because Facebook would not want to disturb users as they browse through a gazillion memes.

Be overt, and people will not convert.

To make selling smooth and soft is the only way you can win the race in Facebook advertising.

Get clients to subscribe to your email list and build strong relationships with them.

But, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your potential clients will need encouragement. They require you to attract them with incentives. Here come in lead magnets.

They are your yellow brick road. These are a couple of lead magnets that you could use.

email list for leads

2. Incorporate Content Upgrades

Once you add content upgrades to transcript pages or blog posts, you will notice a rise in leads.

It is another lead magnet that will benefit you in many ways.

They are easy to develop, design, and then share.

All you have to do is make a popup box appear in the middle of the page. Don’t worry, and you will only be pleasantly interrupting the visitor to offer valuable information.

pop up box sample

The box should have space for a visitor to enter their email address.

More importantly, the popup itself should be in line with your content.

They should be as obvious as a pimple on your face on the day of your birthday.

3. Take Advantage of Guest Blogging

If you want to improve your content marketing KPI metrics, you could always go for guest blogging. You could either write for one or have someone blog on your website.

The former will be useful because you will be collaborating with such websites that have captured the attention of your target.

It is the attention you need and crave, after all.

But, this is what you need to do before you pitch.

  • Research podcasts or blogs that are popular amongst your targeted leads’ niche.
  • Brainstorm and conjure up ideas that are likely to benefit your audience.
  • Last but not least, develop a lead magnet that is relevant to your online marketing service.

Remember, the last task is of utmost importance.

Lead magnets will lead you to qualified leads for sure.

Keep in mind that a lead magnet will have to be in line with the content added to your guest post. It should also be relevant to the existing theme of your targeted blog.

Make use of the guest writer’s bio by adding the link of the lead magnet there. Do not be too apparent by sharing your website.

4. Webinar Collaborations

Do you know what is more a more effective method of generating leads other than guest blogging?

Yes, you guess, right.

Hosting webinars.

It is a live video session where you educate the viewers. You can do this by presenting them with enriching content or teaching them something innovative.

Hosting a webinar on your own will allow you to offer it up as a lead magnet. Or, you could simply talk about it to the clients who have already subscribed to your email marketing service.

Webinar meeting

For maximum impact, you have to partner up with a brand or influencer. Contact them and hold a joint webinar. You will find yourself exposed to a whole set of new qualified leads.

However, there is just one teeny-tiny hiccup. Webinars can be a little challenging to set up.

You might not want to frown. Yes, they are a little complicated to get going as compared to blog posts. But guess what? They have a lasting impression on the mind and heart of your viewer. They help you build a more personal bond with your visitors. Express your personality and mannerisms. Lay your soul bare! That personal touch is bound to snag clients.

5. Surveys and Quizzes

Surveys and quizzes are a seriously underrated way of enhancing your content marketing KPI metrics. People do not realize that they can be both informative and fun to fill out.

Passive questioning can give you valuable insight into the tastes and trends. You can even discover issues and problems related to your prospects.

Additionally, you can analyze which level of the customer journey is the surveyor in. Even people like quizzes! You may have filled out a ‘Which Harry Potter character are you?’ quiz at some point or the other. If made that attractive, you have a long list of successfully generated leads!

People are also attracted to quizzes because they help them learn more about themselves. Maybe that could be your way in?

Quizzes shared on facebook

Final Word

So, there you have it. These are some practical and proven ways to generate leads through content marketing.

Don’t let them trouble you anymore.

Just remember, you do not have to let your business go. There are so many ways to gather viewers and build a strong client base.

Do you not enjoy writing blog posts? No sweat. Publish a video on YouTube and let viewers find your lead magnet with the help of links.

Want to grow the number of leads through a podcast? Transform a transcript into a grand content upgrade. Use show notes to increase promotion.

Whatever you do, just make sure that your lead magnet or offer is worthy of being shared.

Give your potential clients what they want.

Keep them coming back for more!

Li Du


Building and running First Site Solutions make my dream come true! Over the years of pursuing my dream, I saw the amazing opportunities in online business world, acquired valuable experience and a great wealth of skills and knowledge on building, growing and developing a business online.

I am growing with my company and in the field of my interest. We are turning our website into an online business platform and community where you can start and grow your own business too!

When I endeavored to develop our business with my passion and faith, I wanted to share all I've learned (good and bad) with you, and wish that it can benefit you and your business, help you find what you need to reach your business goals and achieve your successes.

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