Push Strategies Don’t Work. Let Social Media Marketing Take the Lead in 2021

February 4, 2021

social media over push strategies

Defining marketing could be one of the most challenging things that you could ever be asked to do!


Mainly because something so inherent to human nature is often unexplainable to the human mind, yet defining something so inherent is precisely what is needed to make sure the modern forms of business survive.

Push Marketing Strategies and the Modern Consumer

However, the human attempt to understand marketing has always lead to one conclusion: you have to make the consumer buy!

As a result of such a strategy, humans have come up with what you would call, the Push Marketing Strategies. A school of thought that works on pushing the product to the consumer. While this allows for great distribution channels to be established and economies of demand to grow, it is mainly dependent on the sales team and distributor relationships.

While that view may have worked for several years, the fact of the matter is that in light of all the information available to the modern-day consumer and the tendency to detect and call out hoaxes that is inherent in generation Z, the marketing strategy must change.

Power of Social Media

This change in trend has largely become prevalent due to one major player: social media! Within the last decade, the growth in social media has outstripped growth in several other industries many times. This alone is one of the most important shows of the power of social media.

Social media users

If you were to consider the potential in the market alone, you could almost reach out to half the world from this powerful medium. About 3.5 billion people are on social media. What better way to grow your business?

Why Social Media Is the Way to Go Today

But of course, just existing on social media is not reason enough to abandon an age-old methodology of selling your products. But if you were to go into the depth of the power of social media, there is much and more that you will find that justifies the investment in social media marketing:

1. Every Segment Ever

Do you know what is even more critical about half of the population is on the internet?

Every segment exists on the internet!

Statistics show 90.4% millennials, 77.5% Generation X, and 48.2% of Baby boomers are on social media every day. What other media lets you tap into all of these segments all at once? Try giving it some thought, and you will realize how different each segment is.

This diverse range that social media offers is by far one of the best tools that any organization could ask for to diversify its own product range. Otherwise, a brand could become so synonymous with a certain age group that it becomes impossible for it to grow out of it. All because of extreme reliance on one or two channels.

2. Effectiveness

How many times would a marketer admit that their ads have been useful? We will give you a hint, not a lot of times. But that’s what you would say about the push marketing techniques.

When it comes to effectiveness, 73% of marketers will admit that their efforts have been useful. This is primarily due to the customization that social media platforms allow you during your marketing. The specific marketing and tracking enable you to reach out to the most relevant customers ever!

That way, you save out on the costs of finding the right customers for your product too!

3. Diversity

The diversity that comes from the internet is not just restricted to the segments that it caters to, but also the tools that it offers. And we agree that during the initial phases, Facebook dominated this market, and the “diversity” claim could not be made.

But today, it definitely can be made.

social media channels

Today, businesses use numerous channels to reach out to their customers. These are dominated by, of course, the most famous social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

But they also use channels that were previously considered to be unsuitable for marketing. That is the beauty of social media marketing: it adapts while traditional media becomes outdated.

4. People Use it to Shop

While all the above arguments deal with the power due to its sheer reach and capabilities or tools, there is much to be considered when it comes to actual customer preferences.

What good is social media if people on it do not even want to purchase over it? What good is it if people do not consider social media to be a reliable source of products?

In such a case, social media would just as soon become outdated as its traditional counterparts. But as we already said, this is the beauty of social media: it adapts! And when people on it see these adaptations, they are motivated to do the same.

brand engagement on social media

As a result of this very trend, people have slowly come to understand social media as social engagement points with the brand. That is why about 54% of social media browsers use it to research products that they want to buy.

So, if you are a brand that does not have a presence over social media, you should evaluate if you even really want to make an impact. Because if you do, social media becomes a given in any case whatsoever.

Final Word

However, with great power comes great responsibility. And any social media marketer must realize the power of every tool that they have. If optimized correctly, these tools can take your business from 0 to 1 in an instant. In case of failure to do so, your brand cannot survive.

But no matter what happens, going without the strength of social media marketing means that your business is intended to fail in the contemporary world. That is not what you want, and that is precisely not what we would want for you!

So, get social today!

Yonge Chen


Web Developer/Digital Marketer

As a Web Developer,  I plan, create and code web pages, applying both non-technical and technical skills to produce web applications that meet the customer's requirements.

As a digital marketing specialist, I am well versed in SEO, SEM, inbound marketing, content, social media, and heavily get involved with all sides of online marketing to help clients generate opportunities, drive sales, and build brand.

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