You Can't Go Wrong With 4 Online Marketing Strategies

September 4, 2020

online marketing strategies to win 

Do you know how they say money can buy everything?

Not really.

While most people would not argue a lot over what money can and cannot buy, we have something money can absolutely never buy:

“You cannot buy engagement. You have to build an engagement.”

- Tara Nicholle Nelson

With that said, it is essential to realize that engagement is the center of all marketing efforts today. Without it, your boat is of no use.

Be it that cute advertisement on television, or that small GIF Ad playing at the corner of your screen, everything is intended to create engagement.

The more engagement that you create through your marketing efforts, the more people you can reach out to. Create engagement that forces them to say “Oh, your marketing efforts are on point!

The Internet Wins at Marketing

With that said, it is also important to realize that reaching out to people today is more complex yet more accessible than it ever was.

On the one hand, with the growth of the internet, everyone and anyone have the means to create an impact. On the other hand, there is just so much information on the internet that it seems impossible to capture attention for more than a split second.

Either way, nobody can deny the fact that the internet is winning at the marketing race. The drawbacks of conventional marketing media versus the returns brought about by online marketing means that the world is focusing on online.

drawbacks of traditional marketing

Marketing Strategies for Win

However, the internet is a tricky place.

It involves so many different factors that standing out is nearly impossible. But, if you do play your cards right, there is no denying that you can win at this game against all your competition. (if you are good at playing cards, you can be good at it too.)

Here are four online marketing strategies that will never disappoint you:

1. Advertisements

Advertisements are perhaps the oldest form of marketing to exist.

Every year several businesses spend millions of dollars in ensuring that they create inspiring and relevant ads for their viewers that convinces them to buy. (they heavily rely on pull strategy rather than push strategy.)

While this may have been true for many years now, the rise of digital advertisements has changed the game. This has primarily been in the domain of value creation. The stark contrast to having emerged among traditional advertisements and digital ones is that digital advertisements focus specifically on value creation, while traditional ones are all about increasing sales.

How is that true?

It is true mainly in the context of the research that goes behind the advertisements. While traditional advertisement focuses on strategies to increase revenue, digital ads follow a much more detailed chain of thought. It tracks the relevant target audience and their past experiences to highlight the kind of advertisements that add value to the said target audience.

That is one of the biggest reasons – value-focused marketing – why modern marketing has become more critical.

It helps engage more customers than ever before. This forms the principal reason why spending on digital ads has been continuously on the rise in the total spending on advertisements.

Digital ads spending

2. SEO is the King

Throughout history, SEO is perhaps the one concept that has become synonymous with the world of internet marketing.

Search Engine Optimization, contrary to popular beliefs, is a multi-dimensional activity that involves several activities from research to link building and much more.

The idea is to improve organic traffic on the page by bringing the webpage in question on top of the search results. This is achieved through manipulation of the algorithm of Google – the biggest search engine.

As changes are introduced in the algorithm, more and more activities are added to the concept of SEO. The most recent additions include optimizing the website for mobile browsing, given the 48.2% of total website traffic comes from cellphones.

SEO map

3. Blog Posts

According to WordPress, more than 23.7 billion blog posts are read by more than 409 million people.

So, the chances are that if your website offers great reading material and some real insights, it will attract visitors from all around.

However, not everyone seems to accept this fact. Most people believe that blog posts are a dying breed of marketing and would finish out.

But that is not what stats and charts show. As shown below, the number of people reading blogs has been rising for plenty of years now and is expected to follow the same trend.

blog reads

Moreover, blogs are not just about attracting more people to read. It is also about improving your website’s SEO. As Google ranks websites with blog posts better, more and more website owners try to add unique blog posts to their websites.

4. Emails – then, now and forever

But if you were to talk about strict marketing activities, emails will always be the first to come to mind.

Email marketing has been around since the beginning of the internet, and while it may seem to be annoying for many, it is a tool as useful as any other.

However, the effectiveness of email marketing is two-fold. Well-designed, compact email marketing campaigns do not bring in more and more customers but are also extremely easy to execute. Just ensure you have an optimized email list that is updated regularly, and you will discover the magic of email marketing.

email lead generation

Contrary to popular beliefs, email marketing is so popular that it functions as the primary channel for lead generation for around 89% of marketers around the world!

It all comes down to one point, “how effectively you are using it.” Any email that is flooded with words or have spammy subjects, fail to get the needed attention, so play smartly.

Final Word

With all that said, creating a proper online marketing strategy is always a combination of several different elements rather than just one. However, prioritizing is always recommended to get the most benefit out of the most effective strategies in question.

Marketing right is the key to flourish and grow!

Li Du


Building and running First Site Solutions make my dream come true! Over the years of pursuing my dream, I saw the amazing opportunities in online business world, acquired valuable experience and a great wealth of skills and knowledge on building, growing and developing a business online.

I am growing with my company and in the field of my interest. We are turning our website into an online business platform and community where you can start and grow your own business too!

When I endeavored to develop our business with my passion and faith, I wanted to share all I've learned (good and bad) with you, and wish that it can benefit you and your business, help you find what you need to reach your business goals and achieve your successes.

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