October 29, 2021

SEO predictions for 2022

Search engine optimization will be a hot topic for any website that wants to rank well for its chosen keywords. The way search engines rank websites when delivering results to end-users is constantly evolving. Therefore, website designers and marketing experts need to stay on their toes and keep track of the changes Google and other search engines are implementing. Here is our list of SEO predictions for 2022.

1. Search engine algorithms will get smarter

Google is continually improving the way their algorithm functions. It’s no secret that their Google Brain artificial intelligence system uses machine learning to track user behavior all across the web. This means that, as the system for ranking websites continues to improve, it will be increasingly difficult to game the rules.

Black hat practices will become almost impossible to implement without heavy penalties, although you should already be avoiding any grey area altogether. User intent is still a high priority for Google. They are continuing to focus their efforts on making their search engine better at recognizing content that actually delivers value to the end-user. Google has stated that they are looking for content that demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EAT). They have recently come out with new guidelines for the Search Quality Rating Program, which states their willingness to improve the results they deliver to users.

AI brain on computer

2. Artificial intelligence will continue to improve

You probably won't be surprised to learn that Google isn't the only one focusing on machine learning. Commercial websites have already begun to invest heavily in AI software to help them run almost all aspects of business. We have seen more and more websites implement chatbots to engage customers and answer their questions. Websites can also track user behavior on the site and respond in real time with product suggestions and comparisons.

Large companies have begun to replace parts of their sales team with AI. This trend will only continue to grow and speed up as machine learning algorithms get better at recognizing users' needs. If we had to bet on which of our SEO predictions for 2022 will be the most impactful, it would be AI assistants on every eCommerce website. Search engines care about how much users are engaging with websites when it comes to ranking results. Apparently, AI systems are great at getting users to stick around and spend more time on websites.

We have also seen AI being used to assist with content creation. While AI can't create content on its own just yet, it can already offer tremendous help. Artificial intelligence can be used to generate article outlines, title tags, and it can do keyword research much faster and more accurately than its human counterparts.

3. Long-form and video content will become the norm

When it comes to SEO - content is king. However, what search engines consider to be good content is changing. The number of articles and the amount of text on a website are important, which means new websites will have a lot of catching up to do while filling their pages with content. Also, longer articles are getting shared more often.

Most importantly, your articles still need to be loaded with quality, which will offer value to the users and keep them engaged. The text should be properly structured with subheadings, alt text tags, and links to authoritative sites.

online video gaming

Video content is also becoming an important factor when determining website ranking. One of our SEO predictions for 2022 is that more and more creators will turn to videos as the primary type of content they produce. Videos are already dominating social networks and are being integrated into the pages of websites. Users are actively seeking out video content, and social networks are rising to meet the demand. Take the two most important platforms for younger generations: TikTok is mainly a video platform, and although Instagram started as an image-sharing network, they have almost entirely shifted their focus to videos now. Therefore, to engage with users on social networks, you'll need to produce the appropriate content. Additionally, you'll need to optimize that content and include subtitles. Make your videos relevant to the other content on your website and tag them with keywords to boost your SEO.

4. Ease of sharing and interaction

Mobile has been slowly gaining more and more users. There is no longer a question of how people are surfing the net and accessing websites. Google offers mobile usability tests for your website. However, it's not enough to just make your website run well on mobile devices. Ease of use is becoming an essential factor for both users and search engines.

How much people share your website has a massive impact on your ranking, so why not make it convenient to do so? No list of SEO predictions for 2022 can go without discussing what we can expect from mobile-friendly features. Simple one-button sharing can be done through widgets that enable cross-platform use and incentivize content sharing. Buttons for sharing should be placed at both the top and bottom of each page.

share content by smartphone

Social media marketing will continue to grow and embrace influencers as brand ambassadors. However, your website needs to offer a navigation system adapted to browsing with only one finger – since that's how most mobile users hold their devices. You should configure all buttons so that users can use them with one hand. Also, anything the user needs to interact with should ideally be placed at the bottom of the screen so that they can reach it with a thumb.

In summary

As you can see from our list of SEO predictions for 2022, current trends will continue to grow and become more refined. Instead of thinking of SEO as an arms race between search engines and websites, you should imagine it as a collaborative effort to bring more value to the user. Website design is constantly pushing the envelope of what can be done, and users will only benefit from the advancements. We can't wait to see what the future holds!

Meta description: Are you ready for how search engines are going to be ranking websites? Take a look at our SEO predictions for 2022, and make sure users can find your site.

Arthur Vanyo


Arthur Vanyo is a Marketing Executive at AZ Citation Services, where he is always on the lookout for new ways to promote businesses and reach customers. Arthur loves to help companies rise up to their full potential, and he believes the best way to build a strong brand is by offering solutions to the problems customers are facing.

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