Bid Farewell to Old Social Media Marketing Tactics and Try Something New

May 12, 2021

Bid Farewell To Old social media

Are you an established professor?

Maybe a new student of marketing?

A media expert?

Or perhaps, an experienced chief marketing officer?

Well, no matter who you are, you are bound to agree that the world of media is ever-changing.

It is slowly and steadily becoming challenging to navigate this world.

But, how do we evolve along with it?

How would you plan, teach, and transform your marketing mix and strategies to meet the dynamic habits of consumers?

A simple answer to this question cannot be given, not even by an expert or a strategic planner. This is because the media world is quite complex.

People are always talking about the need to do research and gather insights. We are supposed to see the bigger picture. Thus, marketing tactics for social media cannot be based on ‘one size fits all’ or a general’ rule of the thumb.’ These are all methods of the past.

social media in world

Let’s take a close look at some other social media marketing methods that are quickly becoming obsolete, along with better and new alternatives for you to pursue.

1. Banner Ads and Pop-Ups

banners pop ups

There is no denying that if a customer is interested in your product or services, they will easily be able to navigate your website.

You do not have to remind them some 20 times to check out your latest offers by placing pop-ups that keep coming back again and again. They are a definite no-no.

People hated them when they first started showing up all over the place; they hate them now too.

Would you want to be disturbed by a pop up when you are browsing for a product on a website or a social media page, and the sale is about to end? Even in non-urgent situations, no one wants to keep shutting them down.

More than 11% of people on the internet use ad blockers. Maybe it is time you take a hint.

Instead, you should invest energy and time into coming with a more seamless integration of your multiple offers.

Yes, go for native ads. Try to be subtle.

Remember, banner ads and traditional pop-ups are dead weight. They annoy and distract the customer from what they were doing.

More to the point, do you think customers even see your ads due to ad blindness? Probably not.

2. Blogging Solely for SEO Purposes

Do you ever notice how you pack the articles on your website with so much care? You make sure there are specific phrases and a keyword for greater rankings.

SEO trend

Though potential customers will indeed notice your content because of SEO, they might start yawning if the content is saturated with keywords.

If you do not want your visitors to leave your website and start browsing through one catalog or the other, focus on quality content. It should be creative and quirky. Try using anecdotes here and there. Customers are more likely to buy from you if they can relate.

Do not forget that search engines appreciate the overuse of keywords. But, users prefer to read content that keeps their eyes glued to the screen.

Social media for business

Make sure to use your blog to create something worthwhile.

Leave your readers wondering or reflecting. They will surely appreciate your website or social media page then.

Say goodbye to pointless blogging.

3. Wordy Content

After a long day of work or studying, some of us log on to Facebook for a little break.

We scroll through memes and take a look at headlines.

However, what we do not do is read lengthy content. Our eyes are tired; we do not want to spend the next few minutes or so reading a full-fledged essay in the caption.

Even if we are not tired, we seldom read never-ending paragraphs. If it appeals to us, we may get to the fifth or sixth line, but that is it.

So, if you have a lot to say about your product or service, try making a video. People are more inclined towards visuals rather than read an entire story. Thus, the former has become a favored medium.

No one wants to do literature homework.

So, what else can you do?

For starters, you could offer your audience free knowledge in the form of ‘content to go.’ This helps you establish authority, create brand awareness, or simply just share helpful findings and information. These are bound to help you market on social media.

All you need to do is refrain from writing down massive e-books that people will not even bother to read.

By all means, share as much knowledge as you want.

But, keep in mind that when using their phones, people prefer information that comes in bite sizes.

4. Auto-play Videos

Wouldn’t you be annoyed if you were scrolling your Instagram or Facebook feed in the middle of the night or at your workplace, and suddenly, music started playing at the highest volume?

Would you not be annoyed?

Imagine how inconvenienced your audience will feel. They should be your first and foremost priority.

This intrusive marketing needs to stop. Google Chrome is also taking steps to block auto-play videos. Goes to show the general attitude that people have towards such videos.

Video is king, but you should not overdo it.

If you want users to open your videos, use creative thumbnails, and catch their attention. They will keep coming back for more.

5. Generic Images

The age-old ‘one size fits all’ social media marketing approach is quickly becoming obsolete.

This is especially true for visual content.

People are saying no to generic visuals and images more.

In such cases, you can adapt with the help of stock photography. You will have numerous visuals to choose from. Make use of them in advertising, and they will serve you even well.

The more time you devote to the curation of quality content, the better the reaction you will receive.

People are always looking for a human touch. They crave connecting, especially in this day and age. Make sure that your brand and choice of general aesthetics and visuals are clear and easily communicated. The more your audience relates to your content, the greater the emotional response will be.

Gone are the days when simple pictures of people smiling would attract a lot of attention. These clichés are not creative or impersonal. Do not make the mistake of going for something neutral only because you are pressed for time.

6. Long Video Ads

Oh, how it burns my blood when I am watching an exciting video, and a never-ending ad starts playing.

Anything longer than a few seconds, a maximum six, should not be played in the middle of a video.

As humans, our attention spans are short by nature. Even YouTube is working on short video ads, why cannot you?

This is also a test for you and your employees. How can you portray something in mere seconds that captivate your audience?

What is it that would prevent them from skipping the ad, or the video altogether?

That is one essential thing you and your team need to figure out during your brainstorming session.

Facebook has already made six seconds of ads a reality. The question is, can you tell your story in these few precious seconds?

Visual content stats

Final Word

With these six helpful tips in mind, you and your business can go a long way. Remember, this is the age of Millennials. People are glued to the screens of their phones more often than not. This is the time to start a social media marketing campaign that reflects the changes in consumer behavior.

You can modify your old ideas a bit and voila, have a brand new solution. All you need are the right tools and smart tactics.

Do not let old marketing trends bring you down while all your competitors jump on the latest bandwagon.

Bid farewell to these dying social media marketing tactics, and implement new ones. Be as creative as you can be.

Time is of the essence, after all.

Li Du


Building and running First Site Solutions make my dream come true! Over the years of pursuing my dream, I saw the amazing opportunities in online business world, acquired valuable experience and a great wealth of skills and knowledge on building, growing and developing a business online.

I am growing with my company and in the field of my interest. We are turning our website into an online business platform and community where you can start and grow your own business too!

When I endeavored to develop our business with my passion and faith, I wanted to share all I've learned (good and bad) with you, and wish that it can benefit you and your business, help you find what you need to reach your business goals and achieve your successes.

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